May 26, 2009


Six more days till we go plastic-free.  While the girls are considering the "things" that will be out -- see lipgloss concerns, last post -- we parents are wondering more about meals.   Now, most of our family's food either comes from the farmers' market (eggs, apples, lettuce, potatoes, broccoli, cider, cider donuts) or Fresh Direct (everything else), with the almost daily trip to Westside Market down the block for the occasional things we have forgotten.   

But in June, 95% of that store-bought stuff will be off-limits.   Once you start looking,you realize that everything is in a plastic bag (frozen burrito) or features a plastic tray (crackers), or comes in a box that is itself wrapped in a layer of plastic (crackers again).

This has been a serious topic of concern at breakfast lately: during June, there will be no Cocoa Puffs (plastic bag inside), no Smore's pop-tarts (plastic "foil" packets inside, and bad anyway), no Sunday-morning cinnamon buns (plastic tub of icing inside).  Even plain toast is tricky, since sliced bread is sold in a plastic bag.  Is that waxy paper around a stick of butter recyclable?  And yogurt -- plastic!   We are looking at alot more fruit and oatmeal.   

Steve has been baking bread pretty regularly for the past year, but only about a loaf a week.  he better step up production!

 I think we are in for alot of work. 


  1. Well, good luck to you guys. I envy a lip-gloss free existence.

    Where are you going to put your compost though? I want to make sure I'm not downwind.

  2. Good that Charlotte stocked up on lip-glosses early! And, yes, suspenders!!!

    It’s totally cool what you guys are doing - best of luck – I am inspired (and Van and Aya)

  3. I just read about your quest on the Eco-Trash Solutions blog. I think what you're doing is commendable and I'm looking forward to updates. Good luck!

  4. As you said, you have a lot of work to do...but we are behind you! Finding out what IS and isn't recyclable from your waste management provider can be quite helpful. (I discovered there were lots of things I didn't know were okay.)

    For the stuff you just can't avoid, take a look at this site I found on the EPA website:

    It can point you in the direction of recycle centers in your area.

    Good luck! I'm keeping my readers updated on your progress.

    Chad M. Wall
